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Modular Origami, Kusudama & Stars by Maria Sinayskaya


Origami Sonobe

Name: Sonobe, variation
Designer: Mitsunobu Sonobe
Units: 30
Paper ratio: square
Assembled with: no glue
Paper size: 5 cm
Model size: ~ 5 cm
Paper: Chameleon shiny origami paper

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  1. Where could I find the tutorial for this?

  2. Someone gave me about a dozen of these to hang in my math classroom. I have been looking for the pattern for 3 years. Can you share the instruction with me? Or tell me where to find the pattern. I would like to have my students do one of these for a project.

    • Hi there! See the link in my previous comment for a tutorial on this model. Or you can just google for something like “origami sonobe tutorial” – there are plenty video and photo instructions on the web!
      Good luck with the project:)

  3. Thanks! I realized that link was a tutorial after I sent you my question. DUH! And I harp on my students to “read carefully”!

  4. Where can I buy that paper?? It’s beautiful!

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